- 美国
- Physical Sciences Inc
- 干涉仪(115)
- 激光功率计(239)
- 单色仪(11)
- 光学延迟线(14)
- 光功率计(64)
- 光谱分析仪(104)
- 光波长计(35)
- 光谱仪(875)
- 激光雷达(29)
- 扫描仪和测距仪(24)
- 气体分析(47)
- 光学池(79)
- 光束分析仪配件(20)
- 光束分析仪(46)
- 激光能量计(82)
- 普通显微镜(60)
- 显微镜配件(25)
- 位移测量计(17)
- 计量配件(19)
- 光学表面轮廓仪(17)
- 孔探仪(39)
- 脉冲发生器(20)
- 太赫兹成像(4)
- 太赫兹时域(13)
- 其他分类测量仪器(19)
- 光纤检测工具(28)
- 脉冲诊断器件(30)
- 激光扫描和测距(9)
- 光束分析(5)
- 光学检测(14)
- 显微镜(12)
- 光纤测试与测量(3)
- 尺寸测量(1)
- 散热解决方案(20)
- Advanced Energy
- Advanced Scientific Concepts
- Aerotech
- Allied High Tech Products
- Ancal Inc
- Angstrom Inc
- Applied Analytics Inc
- Applied NanoFluorescence LLC
- Applied Research & Photonics Inc
- Applied Rigaku Technologies Inc Div of Rigaku Corp
- Bakman Technologies
- Berkeley Nucleonics Corp
- Bodkin Design and Engineering
- Brandywine Photonics
- Bridger Photonics Inc
- Capacitec Inc
- Capovani Brothers Inc
- Cargille Labs
- Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC
- Cascade Technologies
- Catalina Scientific Instruments
- Complete Inspection Systems Inc
- Connected Fibers
- DFM Engineering Inc
- Direct Optical Research Co
- D&P Instruments
- Dunwell Tech
- 爱特蒙特光学
- Eltec Instruments Inc
- Femtochrome Research Inc
- Fischer Technology Inc
- Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc
- Luna Innovations
- GenScope
- GigaMat Technologies Inc
- GOW-MAC Instrument Co
- Gradient Lens Corporation
- Guided Wave Inc
- Highland Technology
- Idealab Inc
- Infinity Photo-Optical
- InPhotonics Inc
- Interferometric Optics
- International Light Technologies
- Intracellular Imaging
- ISS Inc
- JADAK, a Novanta Co
- Kaiser Optical Systems Inc
- Kasalis
- L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
- Kiyohara Optics USA
- Laser Probe Inc
- Leica Microsystems Inc
- Lenox Instrument Co
- LI-COR Inc
- Lion Precision
- Logos Systems
- M3 Measurement Solutions
- Macken Instruments Inc
- Mad City Labs
- Martin Froeschner & Associates
- Max Levy Autograph Inc
- MBF Bioscience
- McBain Systems
- McPherson
- Mesa Photonics LLC
- Metrohm USA
- MicroVision Inc
- Midac Corp
- Montana Instruments Corp
- Nikon Instruments
- OLIS Inc
- Ono Sokki Technology Inc
- Optical Data Associates LLC
- Optical Perspectives Group, LLC
- Optical Wavelength Laboratories
- Optimark Fiber Optics
- Optodyne Inc
- OptoKnowledge
- Optometrics
- OptoTech Optical Machinery Inc
- OptoTest
- OptoTherm Inc
- Optronic Laboratories Inc
- Pepperl & Fuchs Inc
- Photon Kinetics
- Physical Sciences Inc
- PI
- Ramco Innovations Inc
- Redondo Optics
- Reflex Analytical Corporation
- RWC Testing & Lab Supplies
- Scientific Computing International
- SICK Inc
- Spectra Services
- Spectraline Inc
- Star Tech Instruments
- Starna Cells Inc
- Sunrise Optical LLC
- Surface Optics Corp
- Taylor Hobson Precision
- Terasense Group
- The Microscope Depot
- Tiger Optics LLC
- Translume Inc
- TrueGage
- Unitron Ltd
- USA Borescopes
- VIEW Micro-Metrology
- Wilcom Inc
- Wilks - a Spectro Scientific Co
- World Precision Instruments
- Zarbeco
- Zemetrics
- Pranalytica, Inc
- Pembroke Instruments, LLC
- Del Mar Photonics
- Photon Control Inc.
- 4D Technology
- B&W Tek, Inc.
- BaySpec
- Bristol Instruments
- Broadcom
- 相干公司
- DeNovix
- Deviser Instruments
- Gamma Scientific
- Jonard Tools
- Keysight Technologies
- Leonardo Electronics US
- MKS | Newport
- Ocean Insight
- OEwaves
- Optilab
- OSI Optoelectronics
- PerkinElmer Inc
- PIKE Technologies
- Pratt & Whitney Measurement Systems
- Precision Rated Optics
- Teledyne Princeton Instruments
- Quantum Composers, Inc.
- Special Optics
- Spectral Products
- Spectrolight, Inc.
- Spectrum Scientific, Inc
- StellarNet Inc
- Sutter Instrument
- TecOptics, Inc.
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- 索雷博
- Titan Tool Supply
- Ultrafast Systems
- VEE GEE Scientific, Inc
- Verity Instruments, Inc.
- Vermont Photonics
- Viavi Solutions Inc.
- Wasatch Photonics
- Zygo Corporation
- Scientech Inc
- Altos Photonics, Inc.
- PureAire Monitoring Systems Inc
- QED Technologies Inc
- Solid State Cooling Systems
- Resonance
- DataRay
- Leonardo DRS
- 海洋光学
扫描频率范围: 10 - 10 Hz 测量范围: 1 - 1 m
激光雷达系统是主动式遥感系统。典型的系统收集从气溶胶或气体分子散射的脉冲激光能量,以监测大气特性,如消光、气体和气溶胶浓度、温度和风。我们的水汽差分吸收激光雷达(WV DIAL)将大气中的水汽浓度作为距离的函数。它通过监测两个波长之间的差异吸收来实现这一点,一个波长选择在单独的水吸收线上,第二个波长选择在远离该线的地方。激光雷达以10kHz的重复率发射微焦耳脉冲,以保持人眼安全,并提供良好精度所需的信号平均。激光雷达集成了许多电信行业的成熟组件,可靠性高,完全自动化。该技术旨在监测低层大气,为提高短期天气预报和长期气候变化预测模型的精度提供更多必要的数据。