- 声光调制器(229)
- 扩束器(168)
- 分束器(876)
- 准直器(266)
- 光电探测器(271)
- 滤光片(1839)
- 光学透镜(15542)
- 光学反射镜(972)
- 光学窗口片(1144)
- 偏振光学元件(848)
- 棱镜(317)
- 波片(305)
- 光纤布拉格光栅(59)
- 陶瓷和玻璃组件(26)
- 激光晶体(199)
- 激光防护眼镜(20)
- 光学平晶(25)
- 衍射光学元件(91)
- 晶体(153)
- 声光可调谐滤波器(15)
- 电光调制器(EOM)(85)
- 涂层(62)
- 光学材料(53)
- 配件(2)
- 电光学(6)
- 光束整形器(11)
- 镜头(26)
- C-Mount镜头(30)
- 广角镜头(2)
- 变焦镜头(1)
- 固定焦距镜头(2)
- 高性能镜头(12)
- 高分辨率镜头(11)
- 精密加工技术(12)
- 瞄准器(1)
- 测量设备(16)
- 光谱仪(22)
- 1stVision
- Abariscan GmbH
- Abrisa Technologies
- AC Photonics
- Active Optics NightN Ltd
- Acton Optics & Coatings
- AdlOptica GmbH
- Advanced Glass Industries
- Advanced illumination
- Advanced Optics Solutions
- AGC Acquisition LLC dba Andrews Glass Co
- AHF analysentechnik AG
- Alkor Technologies
- Alpes Lasers
- AMF Optical Solutions LLC
- AMG Systems Ltd
- Amptek Inc
- AP Technologies Ltd
- APIC Corporation
- Applied NanoFluorescence LLC
- Archer OpTx
- ARW Optical
- ASD Inc Div of Malvern Panalytical Inc
- Axiom Optics
- B Hagner AB
- Base Lab Tools Inc
- BEAM Engineering for Advanced Measurements Co
- Bern Optics Inc
- Block Engineering
- Blue Ridge Optics LLC
- Bluebell Industries Ltd
- Bolder Vision Optik
- Brinell Vision Ltd
- Cascade Laser Corp
- Cheshire Optical Inc
- cimcoop
- Clairex Technologies
- COMAR Optics
- Computar Optics Group
- Connector Optics LLC
- Coursen Coating Labs Inc
- Covesion Ltd
- Crystal GmbH
- Crystran Ltd
- Davis Marketing International LLC
- Deltronic Crystal Industries Inc
- Diverse Optics
- DOEHRER Elektrooptik GmbH
- Doric Lenses Inc
- Dynasil Fused Silica
- Dyoptyka
- Eddy Co
- 爱特蒙特光学
- Electro-Optical Systems Inc
- Electron National Research Institute
- Element Six Technologies US Corp
- Eltec Instruments Inc
- EOspace Inc
- eSource Optics
- Europhoton GmbH
- Evaporated Coatings Inc
- Fast ComTec GmbH
- FEE GmbH
- FemtoFiberTec
- Fermionics
- Ferson Technpologies
- Fisba
- Focal Point Inc
- FORC-Photonics
- Foreal Spectrum
- Frontier Optics
- Gaggione SAS
- Gamdan Optics Inc
- Gavish Inc
- GB group, Inc.
- GD Optics
- Luna Innovations
- Gitterwerk GmbH
- Golden Vue Optics
- Gooch and Housego
- Goyo Optical
- Graflex Inc
- Graftek Imaging
- GrayGlass
- GT Advanced Technologies
- Guernsey Coating Laboratories
- Guild Optical Associates Inc
- Gurley Precision Instruments
- H V Skan Ltd
- Heimann Sensor GmbH
- Dynasil
- Hind High Vacuum Co Pvt Ltd
- Hirox-USA Inc
- Hobbite Co Ltd
- Holographix LLC
- HoloGrait
- Hoya Corporation
- IB/E OPTICS Eckerl GmbH
- ID Quantique
- Image Ops
- IMT Masken und Teilugen AG
- Infinite Optics Inc
- InfraRed Associates
- Infrared Materials Inc
- Ingeneric
- Inject Enterprise
- Innovation Photonics
- Inprentus
- Intlvac Thin Film
- Iridian Spectral Technologies
- Iris AO
- IRnova AB
- Island Optical Systems Pte Ltd
- Isomet Corp
- Isowave
- ISP Optics
- Isuzu Glass
- J A Anderson Associates Sales & Marketing Inc
- JBV Optical Co
- Johanson Technology
- Jos Schneider Optische Werke GmbH
- Keithley Instruments Inc
- Kentek Corp
- Keo Scientific Ltd
- Keystone Crystal Corp
- L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
- Kogakugiken Corp
- Kopp Glass
- Korth Kristalle GmbH
- Kryptronic Technologies
- K&S Optics Inc
- Kugler of America Ltd
- Lambda Research Optics
- Laser Beam Products Ltd
- Laser Materials Corp.
- Laser Optics & Mechanisms (LOM)
- Laser Research Optics
- Laser Safety Industries
- Laser Sources Ltd
- Laserline Optics Canada Inc
- laservision USA
- Lexitek
- Marina Photonics Inc
- Mate Precision Tooling
- Materion Precision Optics
- Medway Optics Ltd
- Mi-Net Technology Ltd
- Micro Laser Systems Inc.
- Midwest Optical Systems (MidOpt)
- Mikrop AG
- Mirrorcle Technologies Inc
- MK Photonics Inc
- Moeller-Wedel Optical GmbH
- Montana Instruments Corp
- Naked Optics
- NANEO Precision IBS Coatings GmbH
- New England Photoconductor Corp
- Newport Electronics Inc
- Newport Thin Film Laboratory
- Norland Products
- Novotech Inc
- OEG GmbH
- OEM Tech
- Ohara Corp
- Omega Optical Inc
- ONTF Company
- Onyx Optics Inc
- Opt Lasers
- Optec SpA
- Optical Instrument Laboratory Inc
- Optical Physics Co
- Optics Balzers AG
- Optics India
- Optines Dangos
- OptiSource LLC
- Opto Engineering
- OptoCity
- Optoelectronic Components
- Optoelectronics Company
- Optonetic LLC
- Optonicus
- OptoSigma Corp
- ORAFOL Fresnel Optics GmbH
- Oxford Instruments
- OZ Optics
- Incom Inc.
- Pelham Research Optical LLC
- Performance Coatings International Laboratories LLC
- Perkins Precision Developments
- Photek
- Photon etc.
- Photonic Sense GmbH
- Photonics Solutions Group LLC
- PLX Inc
- Potomac Photonics
- Prazisions Glas & Optik GmbH
- Preciseley Microtechnology Corp
- Precision Optical
- Prinz Optics GmbH
- Raicol Crystals Ltd
- Rain Group
- Rare Earth Products Inc
- R&G Co
- Richardson Electronics Ltd
- Richardson Gratings
- RP Optical Lab
- Science & Production Co Solix Ltd
- Scientific Materials Corp
- Scientific Optical Ltd
- Seikoh Giken USA Inc
- Seiwa Optical
- Shenzhen Photonstream Ltd
- Silicon Lightwave Technology
- SORL Space Optics Research Labs
- sp3 Diamond Technologies Inc
- Spawr Industries Inc
- Spectrogon AB
- Spectronics Corp
- Spectros AG
- Spectrum Thin Films Inc
- Sterling Resale Optics
- StingRay Optics LLC
- Success Infrared
- Sumita Optical Glass
- Sunex
- Sunny Precision Optics
- Swiss Jewel Company
- Tamron USA
- Technooptic
- Temmek Optics
- TEMTO Technology Co Ltd
- Tensor Technologies Corp
- Three Five Materials
- Toptec Optics, Inc.
- UltiQuest Technology Co Ltd
- Umicore Optical Materials USA Inc
- United Crystals Inc.
- VST America Inc
- Wanshing
- West Coast Tech
- Williamson Corp
- Z&Z Optoelectronics Tech
- CryLight Photonics,Inc.
- Laserse Inc.
- Wisely Laser Machinery Limited
- Chang Chun Bo Xin Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
- Suzhou Yosoon Laser Equipment Co., Ltd
- Ruik-Tech Communication Co.,Ltd.
- Optizone Technology
- Nanjing Metalaser Photonics Co.,Ltd.
- Blanc Inc
- shenzhen optics forest Co.,LTD
- Nanjing Crylink Photonics Co., Ltd
- Pembroke Instruments, LLC
- DIGCO® Inc.
- 3photon
- Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom Co., Ltd
- BoJen Optics, Inc.
- Anhui Crystro Crystal Material
- Boston Micromachines Corporation
- greenTEG AG
- BRD Optical Ltd
- YSL Photonics China
- Suzhou Jiujon Optics Co.,Ltd
- Sun Optics Co.,Ltd
- Sinocera Photonics, Inc
- Silicon Valley Optics Technology
- A. Optical Components LTD
- AA Opto Electronic
- Alpine Research Optics
- American Photonics
- AMS Technologies AG
- APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH
- art photonics GmbH
- Ascentta, Inc.
- Axetris AG
- BeamQ Lasers
- CeramOptec
- COE Optics( USA) Inc.
- CVI Laser Optics
- Esco Optics, Inc
- Excelitas Technologies
- 法兰克福激光公司
- Freedom Photonics
- Fresnel Technologies, Inc
- G-S Plastic Optics
- Gentec-EO
- Goodfellow Corporation
- GWU-Lasertechnik Vertriebsges
- Hertzstück
- IDIL Fibres Optiques
- IntraAction Corp.
- ios™ Optics
- iXblue Photonics
- Knight Optical (UK) Ltd
- Laser 2000 (UK) Ltd.
- Laser Components
- LightMachinery
- Meadowlark Optics, Inc.
- Meller Optics, Inc
- Menlo Systems
- Midwest Optical Systems, Inc.
- Newlight Photonics Inc
- MKS | Newport
- Newport Industrial Glass, Inc.
- MKS | Ophir
- Optical Surfaces Limited
- Optilab
- OptoSigma Corporation
- OSI Laser Diode, Inc.
- OZ Optics Ltd.
- PIKE Technologies
- Pyreos Ltd
- R. Mathews Optical Works Inc
- Resolve Optics
- Reynard Corporation
- Rochester Precision Optics
- Rocky Mountain Instrument Co.
- Roditi International Corporation Ltd
- Ross Optical Industries
- Rainbow Research Optics, Inc
- S&R Optic GmbH
- Sawyer Technical Materials, LLC
- Semrock
- Sierra Precision Optics
- Sill Optics GmbH & Co. KG
- Sintec Optronics
- Specialty Glass Products
- Spectrogon US Inc
- Spectrolab
- SUSS MicroOptics
- Tecnottica Consonni
- TeraXion
- Ealing Catalog
- The Optoelectronics Company Ltd
- 索雷博
- Tower Optical Corporation
- United Lens Company
- Universe Kogaku (America), Inc
- Valley Design
- Wasatch Photonics
- World Star Tech
- WT&T
- Zygo Corporation
- Diffratec Optics OG
- VI Systems GmbH
- Altos Photonics, Inc.
- Quality Quartz of America
- ADIT Electron Tubes
- Resonance
- DataRay
- ARCoptix
- RedWave Labs Ltd
- ppqSense S.r.l.
- Engionic Femto Gratings GmbH
- EM4 Technologies
- 济南智和弘盛光电科技有限公司
- 山东阳谷恒晶光电
- Gandh
- 溢盈光电
- 北美涂料实验室
- GF-tech
- Faradar Photonics
- 晶众光电
- Ard-Optics
- 深圳市华亿联光科技有限公司
准确性: Better than +/- 3% or less than 1 lux and 1 μW/cm² 温度范围: -5°C - +50°C 峰值功能: By pressing PEAK button the display will show highest (or lowest) measured value until button is pressed again. 电源: 2 x Size AA or LR6, 1.5V 光照测量范围: 0.1 - 200,000 lux = 0.01 – 20,000 fc
Hagner PR 200-X 是一款组合式光照和UV-A测量仪,专为在进行无损检测时的控制测量而设计,同时也适用于其他类型的光照和UV-A辐射测量,适合在现场和实验室使用。完全符合ISO 3059标准。
直流输出额定值: 2230-30-3: CH1 0-30V, CH2 0-30V, CH3 0-5V; 2230-30-6: CH1 0-30V, CH2 0-30V, CH3 0-5V; 2230-60-3: CH1 0-60V, CH2 0-60V, CH3 0-5V 最大功率: 2230-30-3: 195 W; 2230-30-6: 375 W; 2230-60-3: 375 W 电压限制: 2230-30-3: 30.1V; 2230-30-6: 30.1V; 2230-60-3: 60.1V 电流: 2230-30-3: 0A到3A; 2230-30-6: 0A到6A; 2230-60-3: 0A到3A 负载调节: ≤0.01% + 3 mV
2230-30-3, 2230-30-6, 2230-60-3是高功率、3通道可编程电源供应器,适用于高功率电路的测试。