- 牛津仪器
- 1stVision
- ABS GmbH
- Active Silicon Inc
- Active Vision
- Adaptive Vision
- Adept Turnkey
- Adimec
- Advanced Imaging Concepts
- Aegis Electronic Group Inc
- Aivion
- Alacron Inc
- Alkeria
- Allied Vision
- Allison Park Group
- American Infrared Solutions
- AOS Technologies AG
- APIC Corporation
- Atik cameras
- Artray
- Axiom Optics
- BAP Image Systems GmbH
- 堡盟
- BitFlow
- Canadian Photonic Labs Inc
- Cantronic
- Capovani Brothers Inc
- Catalina Scientific Instruments
- Components Express
- Cordin Scientific Imaging
- Crisel Instruments
- Dage-MTI of Michigan City
- Datalogic USA
- DFM Engineering Inc
- Diffraction Limited
- Digital West Imaging
- DOEHRER Elektrooptik GmbH
- dPict Imaging
- Dr Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH
- Dutch Vision Components BV (DVS)
- E-con Systems
- Eddy Co
- 爱特蒙特光学
- Eldim
- Electron National Research Institute
- ELTEC Elektronik
- Empix Imaging Inc
- Entwicklungsbuero Stresing
- ET Enterprises Ltd
- EVT Eye Vision Technology GmbH
- Fastec Imaging Corp
- FastVision LLC
- Fermionics
- FiberVision GmbH
- Finger Lakes Instrumentation
- First Light Imaging SAS
- FJW Optical Systems
- FLIR Integrated Imaging Solutions
- Fluke
- Forza Silicon Corp
- Foveal Systems
- FSI Technologies
- G5 Infrared
- Luna Innovations
- Go!Foton
- Gradient Lens Corporation
- HGH Infrared Systems
- Hill Technical Sales Corp
- Hitachi KokUnited Statei Electric America
- IDEX Health & Science | Melles Griot
- IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
- Illunis
- Image Labs International
- Image Ops
- Imatest
- IMI Technology
- Imperx
- Impuls Imaging GmbH
- IMT Masken und Teilugen AG
- Infrared Cameras Inc
- Innovative Technical Solutions BV
- Innovision Systems
- Inprotec IRT
- Integrated Design Tools
- Intercon 1
- InterTest
- ITI Electro Optics Corp
- IVS Imaging
- JADAK, a Novanta Co
- Kappa Optronics
- KAYA Instruments
- Ken-a-Vision
- Kentech Instruments
- Kyosemi Opto America Corp
- LabSmith Inc
- Lambert Instruments BV
- Laserand
- LOT-QuantumDesign GmbH
- Lynn Products
- Lynred USA
- Machine Vision Store
- Macom
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- Matrox Imaging
- MaxxVision GmbH
- Mega Speed Corp
- MG Optical Solutions GmbH
- MicroImage Video Systems
- Microscope Vision And Image Analysis (MVIA)
- Midwest Information Systems Inc (MIS)
- Mightex Systems
- Mikrosens
- Mikrotron
- Monroe Infrared Technology Inc
- Motion Analysis Inc
- MoviTHERM Thermography Solutions
- MRC Systems GmbH
- Multipix Imaging Components
- MVTec Software GmbH
- nac Image Technology
- NET - New Electronic Technology
- New England Optical Systems Inc - NEOS
- New Infrared Technologies
- Nikon Instruments
- Nippon Electro-Sensory Devices Corp
- NorPix
- Noxant
- Ofil USA
- Omni Vision
- Opti-Tech Scientific
- Optikos Corp
- OptoMotive
- Optris
- Optronis GmbH
- Panavision SVI LLC
- PathPartner Technology
- PCBMotor ApS
- PCE Instruments UK Ltd Sub of PCE Holding GmbH
- PE Schall GmbH & Co KG
- Perfect Prime
- Phase 1 Technology Corporation
- Photek
- Photo-Sonics
- Photon etc.
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- Photonic Science and Engineering
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- Pleora Technologies
- Polaris Sensor Technologies Inc
- PolarisUSA
- Princeton Infrared Technologies
- Process Sensors Corp
- Quantum Scientific Imaging Inc
- Quartz Imaging Corp
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- Reed Instruments
- Resonon
- RMA Electronics
- Sadapro International
- Saelig Co Inc
- Satir
- Scene Sharp Technologies Inc
- Schaefter Kirchhoff Optics
- SciMeasure Analytical Systems
- Senop Oy
- Sensor to Image GmbH
- SIDUS Solutions
- Sierra Pacific Innovations Corp
- Silios Technologies
- SnowHouse Solutions Inc
- Sofradir EC Inc
- Sony Europe
- SOTA Imaging
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- SPECIM Spectral Imaging Ltd
- Spectabit Optics
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- Spectral Instruments
- Spectraline Inc
- Stanford Computer Optics Inc
- Stanford Photonics Inc
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- SWIR Vision Systems
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- 牛津仪器
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- Data Optics, Inc
- Teledyne e2v
- Electro Optical Components
- EMCORE Corporation
- Emergent Vision Technologies, Inc.
- Excelitas Technologies
- Extech Instruments Division
- First Sensor
- GenUV
- GPD Optoelectronics
- Hamamatsu Photonics
- ISVI Corp.
- 基恩士
- kingbrightusa
- Laser Components
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- LUCID Vision Labs
- Luxima Technology
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- Menlo Systems
- New Imaging Technologies
- NP Photonics, Inc.
- NTE Electronics, Inc
- Ocean Insight
- Olympus Corporation
- onsemi
- OSI Laser Diode, Inc.
- OSI Optoelectronics
- Panasonic Corporation
- Teledyne Photometrics
- Photron
- Pixelplus
- Precision Micro-Optics
- ProxiVision GmbH
- Pyxalis
- QPhotonics
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- Raptor Photonics
- Renesas
- RESOLUTION Spectra Systems
- ROHM Semiconductor
- Roithner Lasertechnik
- Samsung Semiconductors
- Sensors Unlimited
- Sierra-Olympic Systems, Inc.
- SK Hynix
- Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation
- Specialised Imaging
- Specim
- Spi Boroscope
- SPOT Imaging
- STMicroelectronics
- SunLED
- Teledyne DALSA Inc.
- Teledyne Imaging
- The Imaging Source Europe GmbH
- 索雷博
- Titan Tool Supply
- Toshiba Corporation
- TriEye
- TT Electronics
- 牛尾
- viimagic GmbH
- Vishay Intertechnology
- Vision Research Inc
- Xenics
- 瑞淀光学系统
- 布鲁克光谱仪器公司
- Teledyne Lumenera
- VI Systems GmbH
- Pyramid Imaging
- QmagiQ
- 亿光电子
- ADIT Electron Tubes
- Quantum Northwest Inc
- Resonance
- DataRay
- 紫红光电
- Alinabal
- 欧姆龙自动化有限公司
- 溢盈光电
- ColVisTec.de
- Ajile Light Industries
传感器类型: iCCD # 像素(宽度): 1330 # 像素(高度): 512 像素大小: 13.5um 峰值量子效率: 50%
Andor的iSTAR 340T增强型CCD传感器系列旨在为高分辨率、纳秒级时间分辨光谱提供较终的集成检测解决方案。像素尺寸为13.5μm的高分辨率2048 X 512阵列提供4:1的宽高比,非常适合与Andor的Shamrock Czerny-Turner摄谱仪系列和附件配合使用。iSTAR 340T增强型CCD传感器拥有多MHz读数以及笔记本电脑友好的USB 2.0连接和完全集成的软件控制数字延迟发生器(DDG™)。这允许在触摸按钮时无缝集成复杂的实验,通过单个交互式界面进行完整的定时和增益控制。第2代和第3代图像增强器具有入口输入窗口和磷光体选项,可满足从120 nm到1100 nm的波长范围要求和<2 ns的较小选通速度要求。
传感器类型: EMCCD # 像素(宽度): 1024 # 像素(高度): 1024 像素大小: 13um 峰值量子效率: 90%
iXon Ultra 888已从根本上重新设计,以促进像素读出速度的3倍超频,达到前所未有的30 MHz,同时保持定量稳定性,将全帧速率性能加速到视频速率。此外,Andor独特的“裁剪模式”可用于进一步提高用户定义的子区域的帧速率,例如将512×512的子阵列提高到93fps,将128×128的区域提高到697fps。凭借1024 X 1024传感器格式和13µm像素尺寸,Ixon Ultra 888的分辨率、视野和无与伦比的速度使其成为较具吸引力和多功能的EMCCD选项,适用于要求苛刻的应用,如单分子检测、超分辨率显微镜、活细胞成像和高时间分辨率天文学。iXon Ultra 888的其他功能包括高带宽USB3连接、低噪声CCD模式和额外的Camera Link输出,提供直接截取数据进行“即时”处理的独特能力,非常适合自适应光学等应用。同时,Ixon Ultra保持了所有先进的性能属性和丰富的客户要求的功能集,这些特性定义了迄今为止的Ixon系列,例如-95°C的深真空冷却、极低的杂散噪声和EM增益校准。计数转换功能允许以电子或入射光子为单位进行实时数据采集,而Optacquire则便于对这款多功能相机进行一键式优化,以适应各种应用条件。
传感器类型: CCD # 像素(宽度): 1024 # 像素(高度): 255 像素大小: 26um 峰值量子效率: 95%
这一高端USB2.0 Newton CCD系列将Andor的超快速、低噪声电子平台和市场领先的-100°C深热电冷却结合在一起,并辅以Andor的UltraVac™技术,该技术在科学和工业领域具有无与伦比的可靠性记录。智能裁剪模式操作可实现高达每秒1,600个光谱的宽带检测速率。牛顿CCD是用于超快UV、VIS或NIR光谱(或以上所有与双AR涂层Bex2-DD技术!)的理想工具,例如2D化学绘图、在线过程监控或非侵入性医疗诊断。Newton 940系列提供13.5 X 13.5μm像素,用于较高UV至VIS分辨率光谱,而920系列及其26 X 26μm为UV至NIR应用提供较高动态范围。两个>6.6 mm高的传感器都非常适合多轨道光谱或超光谱成像。
传感器类型: EMCCD # 像素(宽度): 1600 # 像素(高度): 200 像素大小: 16um 峰值量子效率: 97%
EM技术使来自每个像素的电荷在读出之前在传感器上倍增,从而提供单光子灵敏度。Newton EM平台结合了1600 X 200(或1600 X 400)16μm像素阵列、低至-100°C的热电冷却(暗电流可忽略不计)、3MHz读出和USB 2.0即插即用连接,为光谱应用提供无与伦比的性能。双输出放大器允许在传统的高灵敏度或电子倍增输出之间进行软件选择,以适应广泛的光子状态条件。这使得Newton EMCCD成为超快化学成像应用的理想选择,例如SERS、TERS或发光成像。